Super quick grab shot on a crowded street near the Zócalo. What’s happening?Family affair, Centro Histórico.Shoes for sale, Coyocán.Carving carnitas, Centro Histórico.
There are plenty of eye catching moments on the streets of CDMX, Jamaica Station.Street kiosk, Centro Histórico district.Red shirt and heros, Zócalo. Dancing in the park, AlemedaCentral.
A few scenes from what some call the best flower market in CDMX.There were so many great visuals. I could have spent hours there making photos.Everywhere I looked there was a photograph.Finished shopping!
One of the standout hikes of the trip was the Tower Bridge Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park. We hiked in snow and mud wearing Yaktrax traction cleats.Hoodoos in the snow, very few people and fast changing weather all contributed to a fantastic day on the trail!The Tower Bridge itself was a little anticlimatic. The journey was the prize.