This was taken last Saturday on a North Coast Beach. Kind of a perfect afternoon. Gray Whales just offshore, elephant seals nearby, low tide and not many people about. Oh, did I mention it was 70 degrees?
Posted on February 2nd, 2012
I snapped these last Monday after our brief winter storm.
I was out looking for photos with my plastic Holga 135BC.
The reflections reminded me of what I've missed this dry, sunny winter.
Posted on January 31st, 2012
Here's a couple of recent snaps from the Main Beach area.
Posted on January 25th, 2012
A few weeks ago I was wandering around town with film in my camera and time on my hands. Here's what I saw. "Anarchism" is a portrait of Rusty ("please keep my face out of the photo"). I'd call Rusty and his friend Sonia travelers. I liked the way his big boots looked next to the briefcase packed with anarchist literature and three lemons.
"Tree and Tents", taken at the Farmer's Market. I made a similar photo at the Monterey Jazz Festival (see September 20, 2011 post).
Finally, "Seagulls at the Boardwalk" in classic Santa Cruz afternoon light.
Posted on January 8th, 2012
A quiet moment on Main Beach on one of the last days of Fall, 2011.
Posted on December 23rd, 2011
After nearly a week of frosty mornings I started thinking of warmer places. I recently printed and hand colored this Holga photo. It was taken last fall, along Route 44, on the Dominican Republic's southwest coast. It helps to warm me up!
Posted on December 9th, 2011
Redux, Latin, returning, from reducere to lead back.
Posted on December 4th, 2011
Just a few minutes outside of Middlebury. South Street, one of Cooper's running routes. I'm still having trouble with the image size. Just click to make it larger.
Sheep Farm Road, another route Cooper runs.
Hiking the Moosalamoo National Recreation Area. Great hiking in Vermont!
Posted on November 12th, 2011
Of course, one of the big attractions in the Northeast is fall colors. We saw some pretty good color in Acadia National Park, near Bar Harbor, ME.
Posted on November 2nd, 2011
When you travel with a photographer you occasionally get asked to "sit on that bench, please".
Alice at Seawall Beach. Sometimes Maine reminded me of New Zealand or Tasmania.
Posted on October 26th, 2011
Georgetown, Maine Self Portraits »