The N.E. Kingdom

The N.E. Kingdom isway up at the top of Vermont almost to Canada. We stayed in East Burke the mountain biking center of New England. The mountain biking was beautiful. Kingdom Trails has over 100 miles of interconnected trail. Check them out at

The N.E. Kingdom is way up at the top of Vermont almost to Canada. It's an "outdoorsy" area with lakes, rivers and great hiking and biking trails. We stayed in East Burke, the mountain biking center of New England. The mountain biking was beautiful! Seriously, the most scenic trails I've ever biked! Kingdom Trails has over 100 miles of interconnected trail. Check them out at The local bike shop, East Burke Sports, has solid bikes to rent and friendly knowledgeable folks that will map a great ride for you!

Posted on September 23rd, 2010

Middlebury College

Here are a couple of photos of the Middlebury College campus, Cooper's home away from home for the next four years.

Here are a couple of photos of the Middlebury College campus, Cooper's home away from home for the next four years.

Posted on September 18th, 2010


One of my photos made the cover of Light Leaks magazine! If you're into any sort of "toy camera" (Holga, pinhole, Diana, etc) then you know Light Leaks is THE publication devoted to these sorts of cameras. I'm stoked and honored to be selected for the cover of Light Leaks 17!!!

One of my photos made the cover of Light Leaks magazine! If you're into any sort of "toy camera" (Holga, pinhole, Diana, etc) then you know Light Leaks is THE publication devoted to these sorts of cameras. I'm stoked and honored to be selected for the cover of Light Leaks 17!!! Cover design by Michael Barnes.

Posted on August 27th, 2010


Secret surfing spot!

Secret surfing spot!

Posted on August 22nd, 2010


Highway 101 near Gilroy. It looked so Holga-like I just had to stop and snap a photo.

Highway 101 near Gilroy. It looked so Holga-like I just had to stop and snap a photo.

Posted on August 13th, 2010

Baja Morning

Most mornings in Southern Baja I'd be out early. I like catching the morning light and the cool temperatures

Most mornings in Southern Baja I'd be out early. I like catching the soft, morning light and the cool temperatures.

Posted on July 21st, 2010

Baja Motel

motel1 copy

Just up the beach was this abandoned motel. The emptiness of the place was a little disconcerting at first. I don't know if the photos I made there are any good, but I really liked the feel of the spot and returned a number of times.

Posted on July 18th, 2010

Palms & Palapas

Early morning on the malacón in La Paz, BCS.

Early morning view from the malacón in La Paz, BCS.

Posted on July 8th, 2010

Back to Baja

Lost bathing suit.

Lost bathing suit.

Posted on July 7th, 2010

For Sale

Looking for a place to get away from it all?

Looking for a place to get away from it all?

Posted on July 2nd, 2010

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