This Afternoon

It was one of those classic Fall afternoons….
Posted on November 1st, 2018

Yesterday morning we had some picturesque fog in town.

The steelhead survey people were counting fish in the not-so-mighty San Lorenzo River.

Terns were making noise and flying about wildly. It was a good morning to be out with a daypack full of Holgas!
Posted on September 25th, 2018
Out On The Jetty

A foggy summer scene on the harbor jetty. I posted a similar photo on my Instagram feed @jonnycakes7
This photo was made with a digital SLR. The Instagram photo was made with an iPhone.
Posted on September 17th, 2018

Photo stop on “Roadtrip Denmark”, Spring 2018.
Posted on September 9th, 2018

I’m seeing more abandoned mylar balloons on beaches and in wetlands these days. Turtles, fish, dolphins and whales mistake balloons for food. Once eaten, the balloon becomes lodged in the digestive track inhibiting the animals ability to eat, causing a slow death by starvation. Think about this next time you have a birthday party and skip the balloons.
Posted on September 7th, 2018
Summer Sunday

Light, silhouettes, reflections, a summer Sunday sunset, Main Beach.
Posted on September 1st, 2018
Privates Beach

Privates has been getting a lot of press lately. The California Costal Commission wants to ensure everyone has access to the beach there. Philosophically, good idea. Practically, I’m not so sure. Here’s what the beach looks like on a foggy summer day with a small south swell.
Posted on August 30th, 2018
Harbor Scene

Summer Saturday at the harbor.
Posted on August 21st, 2018
The Fog’s In

Morning scene, Capitola.
Posted on August 19th, 2018
Sunday Evening At the Beach

I made these three photos in the spring just before heading to Denmark.

It was a warm Sunday evening. Kids were enjoying their freedom.

Racing toward the ocean.
Posted on August 11th, 2018