Adios Holga #2

Another photo from my early  days using a Holga. This one was taken at the UCSC Farm circa 1993.

The mourning of the closing of the Holga factory continues. (See previous post) Another photo from my early days using a Holga. This one was taken at the UCSC Farm circa 1993.


Posted on December 3rd, 2015

A Way of Seeing

I received email last week that after 33 years The Holga camera factory was shutting down! I stared at the screen in disbelief and quickly ordered a few backupsfrom Freestyle Photographic Supplies. This is one of my early Holga photos circa 1992. Pictured is Crissy Field in San Francisco before it was transformed.

I received email last week that after 33 years, the Holga camera factory was shutting down. I stared at the screen in disbelief for a few seconds and quickly ordered a number of backups from Freestyle Photographic Supplies. This is one of my early Holga photos, circa 1992. Pictured is Crissy Field in San Francisco before it was transformed into a gorgeous park. Adios Holga! It’s sad to see you go!


Posted on December 1st, 2015

Linda the Painter

A morning with some weather at Waddell Creek.

A morning with some weather at Waddell Creek.

Posted on November 15th, 2015

Darkness Falls

A slightly different look at the fun zone!

A slightly different look at the fun zone! It’s film, shot on a Holga and developed in the darkroom. I scanned the negative and finished it in Photoshop.

Posted on November 10th, 2015


Rural Vermont basketball court on a chilly fall day.

Rural Vermont basketball court on a chilly fall day. A scanned, handcolored Holga print.

Posted on November 8th, 2015

The Birds

Birds always gather at they spot.

Tri-X and a Holga! Yesterday morning at Pigeon Point!

Posted on October 29th, 2015

Ice Cream

Pacific Beach, CA

Pacific Beach, CA. Made on film, developed and hand printed in my darkroom, sepia toned and hand colored. Old school!

Posted on October 26th, 2015

Morning Scene

Two palms and a lifeguard tower.

Two palms and a lifeguard tower.

Posted on October 6th, 2015

More O.C.

Here's another look at early morning, Doheny State Beach. Not the usual bustling SoCal scene.

Here’s another look at early morning, Doheny State Beach. Not the usual bustling SoCal scene.

Posted on October 2nd, 2015

The O.C.

When I visit Dad, I like to get up early and walk down to the beach. It never really feels like Orange County to me. There's a funkiness and  some rough edges. It gives me hope!

When I visit Dad, I like to get up early and walk down to the beach. It never really feels like Orange County to me. There’s a funkiness and some rough edges. It gives me hope!

Posted on September 27th, 2015

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