Urban Beach

I recently made a nice fiber print and hand colored this one. It's an urban beach on the Saint-Lawrence River in Montreal.

I recently made a nice fiber print and hand colored this one. It’s an urban beach on the Saint-Lawrence River in Montreal.

Posted on February 10th, 2014


A classic scene at Middlebury College, October 2013. I just recently got around to printing this one.

A classic scene at Middlebury College, October 2013. I just recently got around to printing this one.

Posted on February 1st, 2014


Early morning, Montreal.

Early morning, Montreal

Bridge lines, Montreal.

Bridge lines, Montreal

Posted on January 11th, 2014

Two Bikes

Here's another one from New Year"s Day at Rio Del Mar. This one shot with a Holga 120S and Ilford FP4 Plus black and white film.

Here’s another one from New Year”s Day at Rio Del Mar. This one was shot with a Holga 120S and Ilford FP4 Plus black and white film.

Posted on January 3rd, 2014

Adios 2013

Following in the footsteps of newspapers, magazines and social media, my top Santa Cruz story in 2013 was birds above the bay. Marine mammals too, but they're harder to photograph. This photo was made with a beat up, funky, little Holga 135BC and Lomography 100 ISO  film.

Following in the footsteps of newspapers, magazines and social media, my top Santa Cruz story in 2013 was birds above the bay. Marine mammals too, but they’re harder to photograph. This photo was made with a beat up, funky, little Holga 135BC and Lomography 100 ISO film.

Posted on December 31st, 2013

West of West

A cold, blustery day at Land's End, San Francisco.

A cold, blustery day at Land’s End, San Francisco.

A classic spot to sit and....text?

Certainly a classic spot to sit and ponder.

Posted on December 22nd, 2013

Blog Post #600

This is a second photo of Alice and Olive at Bahía de Las Ãguilas in the Dominican Republic. The first version can be seen on my web site- memories and dreams, book 4.

This is a second photo of Alice and Olive at Bahía de Las Ãguilas, Dominican Republic, that I recently printed and handcolored.  The first version can be seen on my web site- memories and dreams, book 4.

Posted on December 15th, 2013

Holga Vermont

A foggy morning on Lake Dunmore.

A foggy morning scene on Lake Dunmore.

Same scene, slightly different angle.

Same scene, slightly different angle.

Posted on December 13th, 2013

Last Tuesday

Anchovies, pelicans, sea lions, seagulls and waves all mixed up next to the harbor jetty.

Anchovies, pelicans, sea lions, seagulls and waves all mixed up next to the harbor jetty.

The flocks of pelicans flying in the V-formation never ended. East to west and west to east.

The flocks of pelicans flying in V-formation never ended. East to west and west to east.

Most of those birds in the water are pelicans. It's been an incredible summer and fall for birds and marine mammals. A non-stop nature story!

Most of those birds in the water are pelicans. It’s been an incredible summer and fall for birds and marine mammals. A non-stop nature story!

Posted on December 4th, 2013

Holga Montreal

Late afternoon at the Vieux Port.

Late afternoon at the Vieux Port.

Family walking and Montreal skyline, Vieux Port.
Family walking and Montreal skyline, Vieux Port.


Posted on December 2nd, 2013

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