The two Stephs. We met Tahitian photographer Stéphane Sayer outside the public market in Papeete. He saw our cameras, introduced himself and we talked photo for a bit.It was great to meet him and a fun encounter. You can check out his photographs @tahitizoom
I experimented with a Nikonos underwater camera. It wasn’t entirely successful. I did get a few dreamy looking photos that have a look and feel I like. Photographing in the water was a new challenge. It’s a constantly changing scene!With these photos I was trying to do what photographers call a “split”. Half out of the water and half under water.This one incorporates a bit of camera motion. Works for me.
I can’t remember seeing a vendor with a cart on Main Beach. I bought a delicious mango. He cut it up, sprinkled salt and chile on it and put it in a plastic bag!He allowed me to make a quick portrait and then turned to help his next customer.