Coney Island
Even in the offseason Coney Island is worth the long subway ride.
It’s a photographer’s dream.
Tom, a Coney Island local.
Posted on November 3rd, 2018
Subway Scenes
Photographing on the subway is a challenge. New Yorkers aren’t always happy to have their photos taken.
A huge group of school kids pushed and shoved their way into an already packed train. I asked one kid if I could take some photos. He looked at me with very little interest and kind of nodded his head OK.
The platforms at rush hour are pretty good places to photograph. Everyone is in a hurry and could care less about a tourist with an iPhone.
Posted on October 26th, 2018
Freeman Alley
No trip to NYC would be complete without a sample of the unique street art found there.
Freeman Alley, located in the Bowery, was a real gold mine!
Wild and crazy stuff!
One of my favorites!
A visual feast!
Posted on October 24th, 2018
These two photos are from the annual 4th of July get together at the Farm in the Santa Cruz Mountains.
For the younger set the piñata is one of the highlights of the day. I like the expressions, body positions, levels of engagement, etc.
Posted on September 5th, 2018
Man at Work
The best camera is the one you have with you. In this case, the iPhone X. Focused and working hard in the hot afternoon sun, Eastside, Santa Cruz
Posted on August 17th, 2018
A Few More
A few more photos from the “March For Our Lives” last week.
It was inspiring to see you many young people demonstrating.
Change is coming!
Posted on March 31st, 2018
Lyon Street Stairs
A quick grab shot at the top of the Lyon Street Stairs in San Francisco. Check it out next time you’re in SF. Tourists, athletes working out and people like these two looking for a spectacular photo background.
Posted on March 29th, 2018
March For Our Lives 2
In 2018 and 2020, these young voters are going to make a difference!
Posted on March 27th, 2018
March For Our Lives
It’s time to listen to our young people! San Francisco, yesterday afternoon.
Posted on March 25th, 2018
Street Scene
Doing “street photography” is challenging. Doing it in a small arena like Santa Cruz is crazy hard. Locals here are pretty camera savvy. Eyes gravitate to the camera, questions are asked and the candid element is lost. The monthly antique fair downtown provides a few possibilities for street photos. I checked it out earlier this month and made this photo
Posted on February 25th, 2018