Alice and I just finished a two week road trip. Our first stop was Manzanar Japanese internment camp in the Owens Valley. Origami Cranes in the visitors center.
It was cold and very windy. Not many visitors chose to explore the outside areas. Manzanar is a powerful reminder of a shameful period in US history.
This roll of Kodak Porta 160 was in one of my cameras for two years (or so).I finished the roll a couple of weeks ago.I had no idea what I had photographed.Coincindentlly, 34 of the 36 photos had a flower theme.Pretty wild!
Three random scenes that caught my eye. Still life with yellow chairs and big, white boots, Oakland, CA.Still life with chopsticks, spoons and sunglasses, Berkeley, CA.Hand painted sign and old stoves, Oakland, CA.