I was downtown yesterday. The bright midday light created this high contrast scene. The composition improved when a couple in black walked into the frame- click!
Caught my eye. You have the flower vendor in his huaraches. The hipster with his man bun and electronic device and a random hand popping up in the background.
This was an advertisement for a jewelry brand. The portrait caught my eye. It really stood out in a neighborhood made up of mostly low rise buildings, CDMX.
Super quick grab shot on a crowded street near the Zócalo. What’s happening?Family affair, Centro Histórico.Shoes for sale, Coyocán.Carving carnitas, Centro Histórico.
There are plenty of eye catching moments on the streets of CDMX, Jamaica Station.Street kiosk, Centro Histórico district.Red shirt and heros, Zócalo. Dancing in the park, AlemedaCentral.