A few months ago, Berkeley, CA. I like the light, the shadows and the contrast.
Posted on March 4th, 2020
Plastic flowers attached to telephone poles are popular in Seattle.
A very colorful and cool mural.
A neon sculpture outside the Museum of Museums.
Torn and faded posters on a wall. Always a favorite of mine.
Posted on October 9th, 2019
Street Art, Long Island City, Queens.
Espresso 77 Coffee, Lincoln Heights, Queens,
Rail and colored bricks in a stairwell, MOMA PS1, Long Island City, Queens.
Hailing a cab, Upper West Side, Manhattan.
Posted on July 17th, 2019
Something about the shade of green that caught my eye.
Posted on July 13th, 2019
Sunday morning scene in Long Island City, Queens.
Posted on June 24th, 2019
Times Square
At 72nd Street a different feel. Going fishing.
Tight squeeze!
The look!
Posted on June 22nd, 2019
Salsa dancing at the Bethesda Fountain.
Salsa dancing spectators.
Modern day Monet at The Lake.
The Conservatory Pond
At the end of the day, dark clouds rolled in, rain began to fall
and most people headed home.
Posted on June 19th, 2019
Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, everyone should do it once.
Posted on June 16th, 2019
A New York City street scene.
It’s fun to find a spot, hang out and try to get the feeling.
Posted on June 14th, 2019
Caught my eye while walking under the N Train tracks in Astoria, Queens.
Could be an abstract art piece, Astoria, Queens.
Posted on June 11th, 2019
Steph Street Level »